Cabbage Salad

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Tis the time of year for cook outs and family gatherings. This is the perfect dish to contribute to the cookout. You can whip it up right before you go or even better a day or 2 ahead of time and it taste great once all the flavors rest together.

What to do with the left overs: My husband, farmer Josh, put a tortilla in a skillet with few chunks or slices of goat cheese on the tortilla, melted the cheese a bit and smeared it over the tortilla, then he put pre cooked ground turkey that was seasoned with salt and pepper down the center of the tortilla over the cheese, and added the final ingredient, the left over cabbage salad, on top of the ground turkey and rolled up the tortilla and put each side on skillet till golden brown. We’re calling it our Greek Tacos; I think adding olives would be delicious as well.


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